Here we are in 2013 with over 500 weekly articles and moments around Kimberley, the Sullivan claim and the people who make this town so interesting. It's quiz time again! Number 11.1. It was 49 years ago, she was crowned Miss Snow Fiesta Queen. Who was this queen so many years ago?
2. What year did the Bavarian Platzl officially open?
3. When was the time a glass of beer in the local watering holes around Kimberley cost 20 cents?
4. What are four things you remember about the old Kimberley Hotel?
5. We here in British Columbia recently had earthquakes off the coast measuring 7.5 and 4.4 on the Richter. It was back on Friday, March 26, 1999, when Vancouver phoned Kimberley about a quake. What happened?
6. What were the most common commercials that were on TV back in the 50s and 60s from Spokane KXLY?
Around this fair town we had some nicknames over the years. Here are a few.
He ran the City Parks and Works for years, with an iron fist (The Knife)
They called him Fisheyes, captain of the liquid bait club.
He was a ski hill fanatic, who had that look about him. (Buttercup).
This hug man was one tough son of a B. He was soft spoken and very polite. (Skinny).
He was not a triplet, but was always a twin. His name was Isky.
Drilled with the best of the Sullivan boys underground. He was Gigo.