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Brian Crowe

Quiz 1

July 19, 2011

If you come from these parts in and around Kimberley, there are a few things you should know along the way.

Here are a few questions that will bring back some memories.

1. There were five halls in town, where in our youth, we danced the night away to the great bands of the time, what were their names?

2. Who owned the continental Barber Shop at a location on Deer Park Avenue?

3. When did the infamous nightly car stop, the one and only Super Stop close its doors? The proprietors were Paul and Rose Rouleau?

4. When did the Royal Q pool hall open its doors on Howard Street? Who was the first to break a set of racked balls?

5. What was the slogan of the Chicken Delight eatery at 1495 Warren Avenue here in Kimberley?

6. The old Armouries building, now Centre 64, on Deer Park was once called what, back in our youth? And it's not the nut house.

7. What year did the old Globe or Sportsman Hotel on Howard Street burn down? Who built and owned it?

8. What year was the Travellaire Motel in Lower Blarchmont opened here in Kimberley. Who built and owned it?

9. When did Johnson's Minit Mart open at 521 Wallinger? It was Kimberley Husky and now Centex, owned and operated by Bill Lobban, his produce and fruits are the best!

10. Who was the first person to register as a resident of Kimberley's special care home, the Pines?

11. When was the Gray Creek Forest Service Road officially opened? How many kilometers? Summit elevation is approximately?

12. Now that the Canadian Hotel is going to be torn down in the near future, what year did Clem and Ray Casavant take it over? What was the Canadian's slogan? What band opened it up on its grand opening?

13. In 1971, Terry White had a race car. It was a 1956 Chev wagon. What was its name? What class did it run? What did it cost to build? How many years? Who drove it on the race track or strip and where is it now?

14. What year did the new Super Value grocery store open in Kimberley? It's now Mark Creek Market. Who owned and opened it?

15. In 1962 it was a hot summer night in June - who won the Hobo Ball Tournament?

16. Kimberley is a one traffic light town -yes, just one. What year did that set of lights on Ross and Wallinger come into operation?

17. When did the Kimbrook apartments break ground down in Lower Blarchmont? Cost? How many units?

18. In 1969, the visit took 70 minutes, who graced our Kimberley soil that year?

19. Back years ago, a glass of beer cost 20 cents. That was the same year it went up to 25 cents. What year was it? The volume went up too, from 8 ounces to 9.

20. When did Natural gas come to Kimberley?



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